Monday, September 23, 2013

WAVE Dinner

WAVE Parents -
First off, I want to say how proud I am of our students who participated in Youth Sunday yesterday for both early and late services!  They did an excellent job and I hope they were proud of themselves also! 
The next "big thing" WAVE is in charge of will be Family Night Supper on Wednesday, October 16.  Below is a list of everything that will be on the menu and what I will need help with.  You guys have been great in the past helping not only me, but the students as well.  Please email me back and let me know what you would like to help out with if available.  After we are done serving and cleaning up that night, we will go get ice cream at Berry Berry Good right across 463 near Georgia Blues. 
You can sign up for more than 1 item if you would like.  We need to prepare for 125-150 people. 
Beef Roast & Veggies =     Henry & Melissa Skelton
Rice =
Salad =                            
Desserts =                        Shelley Hughes,
Rolls (bags of Sister Shubert rolls) =     Courtney Simmons,
Gallon Tea and/or Lemonade (sweet/unsweet) =
Students and parent volunteers will need to be at the church around 4:15-4:30 to start setting up. 
Please email me back when you can! 
 - Seth

Friday, September 20, 2013

WAVE Update 9/20

Here is your update for the week! 
1.  This Sunday is YOUTH SUNDAY!  Our WAVE students will be running both early and late services.  If your student is helping out for early, they need to be at the church at 8:05am.  For late, 10:15am.  If they are doing bells for late service, they need to meet with Martha in the sanctuary at 10:00am.  I have also reminded the students of the dress code.  All guys need to wear khakis/black pants, nice shirt, and look "groomed."  For girls, no flip-flops, short skirts, or spaghetti straps.  Skirts need to be knee length.  Please advise your student to look their best!  We will all go out to lunch afterwards so your student will need $.  We will also be having one more practice tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm in the chapel for any student who wants to practice their speaking parts
2.  Next weekend the 18 Hour Famine is here!  I hope your student is excited about this event!  This is our extended edition of movie and game night plus a lock-in at the church:  only catch?  NO EATING FOR 18 HOURS!  Bags will be checked at the door!  I had a student ask me, "How come we are doing something like this?"  The reasoning is simple:  we take what we eat and when we eat for granted every day.  When we are hungry, we simply walk into the kitchen or we go out and get something.  When we were in Haiti, several people we worked with said that usually for them "They don't know when they are going to eat again, so when there is food, we don't miss out!"  We are honoring God by being reminded of how much He has given us.  The event starts at 6:00pm on Friday - pickup at NOON on Saturday (9/27-9/28).  We will have a countdown going for the entirety of our journey in the Fellowship Hall.  Be on time! 
3.  Leadership Team Applications are now available and can be picked up in the WAVE game room!  For grades 10-12.  Being on the LT is a great opportunity.  The applications are due on Sunday, September 29.  Our first LT event will be on Saturday, October 5. 
4.  Looking ahead - This year Roberta will be offering a Girls Bible Study for both Jr. and Sr. High girls at our home from 6:30-8:00pm every other Thursday.  They will be going through the Book of Ruth and will also be doing "girly" crafts each time they meet.  Please encourage your female student to attend!  This will be a great opportunity for even better friendships to be formed with our WAVE girls! Our address:  412 Beechwood Lane.  Madison, MS 39110.   
5.  Lastly, a reminder that the Ski Trip deposit for the Copper Mountain trip next Spring Break is DUE on Monday, October 7.  This is a non-refundable deposit of $100.  Do this quick!  This trip can only hold 30 spots and 10 are already taken!  Make checks out to Grace Chapel and give to Seth anytime.  This trip is for both Jr. & Sr. High students.  Students younger than 13 must have an adult accompany them.  If you have any other questions, please let me know! 
Hope to see you all this Sunday as our WAVE students lead us in worshiping our Lord!  Have a great weekend! 
 - Seth
Upcoming Events through September & first of October  
A quick & easy guide for you to look & see what's going on
Sunday, September 22 = Youth Sunday for both services.  Youth lunch afterwards. 
Friday, September 27 – Saturday, September 28 = 18 HOUR FAMINE.  6:00pm – 12 NOON. 
Sunday, September 29 = Leadership Team Applications DUE after WAVE
Thursday, October 3 = First Girl's Bible Study.  412 Beechwood Lane.  6:30-8:00pm. 
Saturday, October 5 = LT Planning and Organizing Cookout @ Lake Cavalier.  4:00-9:00pm. 
Monday, October 7 = SKI TRIP DEPOSIT DUE! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

WAVE Update 9/13

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." 
Hebrews 12:1-2
Here is your update for the week! 
1. Leadership Team Applications for the 2013-2014 school year will be available THIS Sunday, September 15.  They will be due on Sunday, September 29 by the time WAVE is over.  Leadership Team is a great opportunity for students in grades 10-12. 
2. Youth Sunday will be on Sunday, September 22.  Students will run both the early and late services.  Encourage them to sign up!  We will have practice NEXT Wednesday, September 18 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Chapel
3. Our next 18 Hour Famine and Lock-In will be at the end of this month on Friday, September 27-Saturday, September 28.  This is a great event!  Last year we had a blast!  We will be watching movies, playing games, going on a Wal-Mart Scavenger Hunt, and more.  Drivers needed!  I will need 1 driver brave enough to volunteer for taking the students to and from Wal-Mart from 11:00pm-12:00am and helping me take the van back to Enterprise on Saturday morning (that part should take about 15 minutes).  Please let me know if you are willing to help out, I still have not heard back from anyone!  
4. Lastly, looking ahead, WAVE will be in charge of Family Night Supper on Wednesday, October 16.  This is where I will need your help for sure!  I need help with parents volunteering for cooking the main meal portion, bringing sides, desserts, drinks, and salad.  Please let me know if you have any ideas on what our main course, if you would like to be the "chief" for the main course and email me back.  Also email me back and let me know if you could help with any sides, etc. 
Hope you all have a good weekend and I will see you on the Lord's Day. 
 - Seth
Upcoming Events through September  
A quick & easy guide for you to look & see what's going on
Sunday, September 15 = Leadership Team Applications available for pickup.  
Wednesday, September 18 = Youth Sunday Practice in the Chapel.  6:30-8:00pm.  
Sunday, September 22 = Youth Sunday for both services.  Youth lunch afterwards. 
Friday, September 27 – Saturday, September 28 = 18 HOUR FAMINE.  6:00pm – 12 NOON. 
Sunday, September 29 = Leadership Team Applications DUE after WAVE

Friday, September 6, 2013

WAVE Update 9/6

"Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.  What is your life?  For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.  Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that." 
James 4:14-15
Here is your update for the week! 
1.  Attached to this email you will find two things:  The September Calendar and the Sunday WAVE Dinner List for the Fall.  Thank you for all of your help on this!  We are going to have a great Fall semester! 
2.  Don't forget that starting this Sunday, September 8, WAVE will be moving to its new time of 5:00-7:30pm.  We are growing and the Lord is truly working in our kids lives.  I am excited to see our group getting bigger and bigger and also to see so much more friendships forming!  We think this extra 30 minutes will help with this! 
3.  Leadership Team Applications for the 2013-2014 school year will be available on Sunday, September 15.  They will be due on Sunday, September 29 by the time WAVE is over.  Leadership Team is a great opportunity for students in grades 10-12.  The main focus is to develop servant hearts and student initiative for WAVE events, fundraisers, and trips.  Students on the LT also have separate Bible studies, get cool LT gear, and take a Leadership Team retreat in the Fall and in the Spring.  Please encourage your student to think about applying! 
4.  Youth Sunday will be on Sunday, September 22 this year.  Students will run both the early and late services.  A signup sheet will be available in the WAVE rooms this Sunday.  Encourage them to sign up!  We will have practice on Wednesday, September 18 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Chapel.  Students must attend practice. 
5.  Lastly, our next 18 Hour Famine and Lock-In will be at the end of this month on Friday, September 27-Saturday, September 28.  This is a great event!  Last year we had a blast!  We will be watching movies, playing games, going on a Wal-Mart Scavenger Hunt, and more.  Drivers needed!  I will need 1 driver brave enough to volunteer for taking the students to and from Wal-Mart from 11:00pm-12:00am.  Please let me know if you are willing to help out! 
Hope you all have a great weekend!  See you Sunday! 
 - Seth
Upcoming Events through September  
A quick & easy guide for you to look & see what's going on
Sunday, September 8 = WAVE @ its new time:  5:00-7:30pm. 
Sunday, September 15 = Leadership Team Applications available for pickup.  
Wednesday, September 18 = Youth Sunday Practice in the Chapel.  6:30-8:00pm.  
Sunday, September 22 = Youth Sunday for both services.  Youth lunch afterwards. 
Friday, September 27 – Saturday, September 28 = 18 HOUR FAMINE.  6:00pm – 12 NOON. 
Sunday, September 29 = Leadership Team Applications DUE after WAVE