Friday, May 3, 2013

WAVE Update 5/3

Here's your update for the week: 
1.  If you missed the Parents Meeting last Sunday, attached to this email you will find the agenda sheet, the Sunday Dinner Schedule for the summer, and the summer calendar.  Be sure to check all of these out so you will know what is going on! 
2.  Below is the information for summer trips.  Sign-up sheets and prices for these trips will be posted in the youth rooms on Sunday.  Each trip does have a cut-off date, so be sure your student pays attention to that. 
    Bible Readers trip to Atlanta = May 31-June 2
    Rafting Trip (for Jr. High & Sr. High) = June 13-16
    Sr. High Beach Trip to Pensacola Beach = July 11-14
    Jr. High "The mini ESCAPE" = July 26-28
3.  Next Wednesday will be the last Wednesday night Bible Study for the semester!  Be sure to attend!  Wednesday night Bible Study will not meet during the summer and will start back on Wednesday, August 21st. 
4.  Our Leadership Team meeting this Sunday has been moved to 4:30pm instead of 7:30pm.  Meet in the couch room. 
5.  Lastly, there will be NO WAVE EVENTS from May 12-May 25.  Our Kick Off to the Summer Party will be on Sunday, May 26 at Lake Cavalier from 2:00-8:00pm.  This is also the first event that new students can attend for the summer!  Last year we had a great time and I am hoping the rain will be gone this year so we can have some fun! 
Hope you all have a great weekend.  If you have any questions or anything, just let me know. 
 - Seth
Upcoming Events through May:
A quick & easy guide for you to look & see what's going on:   
Sunday, May 5 = LT Meeting.  4:30-5:15pm. 
Saturday, May 11 = Seth & Roberta getting married.  You're Invited!  10:00am.  Covenant Presbyterian Church. 
Sunday, May 12 - Saturday, May 25 = NO WAVE EVENTS
Sunday, May 26 = Kick-Off to the Summer Party.  Lake Cavalier.  2:00-8:00pm. 
Wednesday, May 29 = LAST Bible Readers Quiz.  6-7pm.  Pizza dinner afterwards. 
Friday, May 31-June 2 = Bible Readers Trip to Atlanta