Friday, August 16, 2013

WAVE Update 8/16

Here is your update for the week! 
1.  This Sunday night is TRIVIA NIGHT!  Can your student handle the goody bag of surprises?  Trivia night is a lot of fun with review questions from this past semester to see how well your student was listening.  Two teams are formed and after a team gets 5 questions right, each team member gets to get a prize out of the mystery bag.  You never know what could be inside!  We hope to see your student there this Sunday night. 
2.  Secondly, our next WAVE Parent's Meeting is next Sunday, August 25 from 4:00-5:00pm in the Media Room.  We will be discussing all plans for the fall and future trips.  Please plan on attending!  This is also Rally Day. 
3.  Thirdly, Wednesday WAVE Bible Study starts back next week!  I hope your students are excited!  We will be looking at the Parables of Jesus all semester long!  Ask your student this question to see if they are ready for our Bible Study:  "What is a parable?"  6:00-7:00pm for Jr. High and 7:00-8:00pm for Sr. High. 
4.  Fourthly, the new Sunday School curriculum will begin on Sunday, September 8.  We will be going through the book of Ecclesiastes and asking the question, "What are you living for?"  This is one of the main themes in the book and definitely relates to our students.  Please encourage them to attend Sunday School!  9:15-10:15am every Sunday morning.   
5.  Lastly, a reminder of the WAVE dress policy for the Fall semester regarding our female students:  I know that wearing t-shirts or tank-tops with the big sides cut out on them are in session, allowing people to see sports bras on the sides and a lot of skin underneath, but I ask that this attire not be worn to Wednesday nights, Sunday nights, or any WAVE function.  If your student is coming to WAVE from a sporting event, please have a t-shirt that they can change into.  I will remind all of our female students of this policy this Sunday night.  We do want to encourage modesty at WAVE and at Grace Chapel.  If female students cannot meet these suggestions, I will provide them with a WAVE t-shirt to wear that night.  If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to talk to me!  We need to be focusing on the Word and not have wandering eyes all throughout lesson times. 
Hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to spending time with your student this Sunday! 
 - Seth
Upcoming Events through August: 
A quick & easy guide for you to look & see what's going on
Sunday, August 18 = TRIVIA NIGHT @ WAVE!  Can you handle the goody bag of surprise?  5:30-7:30pm. 
Wednesday, August 21 = Wednesday WAVE Bible Study returns!  6:00-7:00pm for Jr. High, 7:00-8:00pm for Sr. High
Sunday, August 25 = WAVE Parents Meeting.  4:00-5:00pm. 
Saturday, August 31 = Movie & Game Night:  Part 7.  5:00-11:00pm.