Friday, August 9, 2013

WAVE Update 8/9

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality." 
Romans 12:12-13
Here is your update for the week! 
1.  Don't forget that tomorrow we are going on a day trip to the Okatoma River!  Meet at the church at 9:00am.  Please look over the postcard that was sent out in the mail for all trip details.  Students will need money for breakfast and dinner.  Also, there has been a high demand for kayaks.  If your student would like to kayak, it is $10 a student.  Please provide this $10 upfront to me when they arrive tomorrow morning.  Secondly, kayak rental is limited, so not everyone is guaranteed a kayak.  It depends on how many the rental place has available.  We will be back at the church around 6 or 7pm! 
2.  This Sunday, August 11, we will be having Sr. Night at WAVE honoring Sidney D'Amico!  Be sure to attend this special event as we celebrate the time we have had with Sidney and pray for her as she begins her next chapter in life at Ole Miss! 
3.  Wednesday WAVE Bible Study returns on Wednesday, August 21.  This semester we will be looking at the Parables of Jesus. 
4.  Lastly, our next WAVE Parents Meeting is on Sunday, August 25 from 4:00-5:00pm.  Please plan on attending as we discuss the Fall Calendar, curriculum plans, trip plans, and more.  Also be gathering some feedback from your students that you could report at the meeting for ways WAVE can improve! 
Hope you all have a great weekend and hopefully I will see your student tomorrow! 
 - Seth
Upcoming Events through August: 
A quick & easy guide for you to look & see what's going on
Saturday, August 10 = Day Trip down the Okatoma River.  9:00am-6:00pm. 
Sunday, August 11 = Sr. Night @ WAVE honoring Sidney D'Amico.  5:30-7:30pm. 
Sunday, August 18 = TRIVIA NIGHT @ WAVE!  Can you handle the goody bag of surprise?  5:30-7:30pm. 
Wednesday, August 21 = Wednesday WAVE Bible Study returns!  6:00-7:00pm for Jr. High, 7:00-8:00pm for Sr. High
Sunday, August 25 = WAVE Parents Meeting.  4:00-5:00pm. 
Saturday, August 31 = Movie & Game Night:  Part 7.  5:00-11:00pm.